Things to keep in mind when writing your CV and English teaching job interview.
Summary of impressive writing on CV and English teaching job interview of KPMG recruiters.
Should we insert photos in a CV or not? According to KPMG’s recruiter, the candidate’s CV should not insert photos; because many employers looking at your photos may have their own feelings about you. For you personally, you find that your picture is beautiful; but for employers, they may find it difficult to like the picture, or there are other feelings that are not necessarily pretty or ugly. It is normal for one person to get along but not with the other person. Just like you go buy a dress, your friend doesn’t like the dress; but you like it and it suits you. special with an English teaching job in Vietnam.
If you want to insert your photo, then insert a solemn and visible picture of your face directly. Being formal here doesn’t mean being serious. However, you should consider the position you apply to insert a picture so that it fits. Avoid photos that you turn away and your employer won’t see your face. Such a back can mean that you don’t respect the employer. Moreover, your CV viewers will see that the picture does not mean anything; because nothing will show when they can’t see your face

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Pay attention to how your name is written.
There are many people who think their names are not beautiful. For example, your name is Nguyen Thi Lan, you don’t like the middle name “Thi” so you write Nguyen Lan or Lan Nguyen; or instead a nice middle name. This is absolutely not recommended when writing in a CV. If your parents name you, keep your name as it is, the name does not matter, it is important that you work effectively or not. Even in English CV, write your full name exactly like that, the only difference is unsigned. As the example above you will write NGUYEN THI LAN. You do not need to change the order of the last name, first name …
Date/month/year of birth, gender.
You may not write your date of birth on CV. Especially for foreign companies like European countries, the employer is not interested in this. However, the gender you can write in CVs; Although looking at the name of the employer may know you are male or female, writing your gender in the CV to make it easier for employers to recognize; because there are more positions they may be more in demand may be more men or vice versa…
Headings in CV.
Items such as personal information, education, experience, skills, etc. should not be placed in the middle of the page because your CV viewers may feel that your CV is very different, buckled and empty. So left alignment on these items is a better choice for you.
Presentation of CV structure and format when writing the CV.
You should present a neat, clean, clear structure in your CV. This is essential in your resume because that’s what employers look at first, and decide whether they continue to read your CV or not.
CV format must be standard as an academic document. For example, the bullets must be straight; When listing job descriptions, experiences you’ve done, ideas with similar meanings, you should keep the same bullet; line up, do not write too long for each bullet because that makes it very confusing. Employers do not spend too much time reading your CV so please be complete but concise.
The font and font size must be easy to see, headings or sections such as day/month/year in the work experience; Your company has done it, you should capitalize and bold. Also the parts you think are important and a special highlight for your CV; then you should also really stand out by highlighting to attract the attention of CV readers.
How to write work experience.
For an English teaching job you’ve ever done, you shouldn’t list too many tasks you do; but should only list the main responsibilities and attainments for you and the organization where you have worked. For example, one of the tasks you used to do was print documents for your manager; then you probably shouldn’t mention it here.
There are people who have done a lot of work and they listed them all in their CV. This is not necessary. You should only select to list jobs that are relevant to the position you are applying for; To make your CV more focused, not cumbersome. Moreover, listing so much that employers can look at it and assess you are a jerk. All employers do not like this. Not to mention skipping jobs like that they might think you haven’t learned anything in the place you worked that you left.
References are required when writing your CV.
Companies can check your reference, especially the bigger the company, the more thorough the reference check. You should enter a specific reference instead of “References available upon request”. Because filling it out will help the employer check it as soon as you see your resume. They will not take the time to contact you again to ask for reference information.
In the reference section, you just need to name the reference, title, company, phone number, email. There are people because the person mentioned in the References section is a celebrity, so they summarize their profile in their CV. This is verbose, unnecessary. Employers don’t care about this; what they are interested in is having basic information about the reference; such as name, phone number, email to check the information you wrote in your CV.
Spend time preparing interview responses by relying on your CV.
Make sure all the information you give us accurate and you can explain; For example, the interviewer relies on it to verify whether you are telling the truth or not by asking you for each piece of information in the interview. So make sure each and every information you write down is accurate; Absolutely not makeup or makeup too much. For example, you say your hobby is reading; But when you are asked which books you read or what kind of content, you can’t tell. Surely the interviewer will recognize that you are fabricating and you will probably miss this round, and that means you don’t have a chance for the English teaching job position you want.
Technical skills are extremely necessary.
Time before applying for an English teaching job, take time to review computer skills such as Word, Excel … You write in the CV to be skilled at that skill, but when you touch a document, you do not know how to edit documents or how to get it right; you squirm, search google to find ways … so it will take time, work efficiency will not be high. And furthermore, you will lose points in the eyes of your manager.
Especially those jobs that need these skills, the interviewer will check you at the job interview. So make sure you master this skill before getting an English teaching job. Taking 3-5 days, you can learn the most basic skills of Word and Excel. Buy computer books, download ebook documents online; Watching instructional videos will definitely be a very helpful way for you to improve your computer skills.
Group interview.
Large companies often have group interviews. In this group interview, the employer will give a group of friends in one room; and set the situation for you to discuss and give an answer. In this round, someone will supervise you during the discussion. The candidate presents and gives the best answer; The most confident person may not have been the one chosen. Your followers will notice you through the way you interact with the group, whether you can listen to the opinions of others; do you despise or comment on other people’s opinions …
Mind Your Language.
Most companies have cameras installed in many areas of the company; even in elevators, toilets … So heed your words in any special place in the area of the company. You think no one hears what you say, sees what you do; But with cameras that can capture every moment of your words. There are those who speak ill of employees in the company to others while in the elevator, immediately that information will be transmitted to the manager. And so you will lose points in their eyes and can lead to more far-reaching consequences; like being dropped from interviews or fired from the company.
Another thing to note is that the employer may test you; before you enter the room. They see your behavior, your words when you start entering the company; so be confident, be quick and meet everyone in your company, remember to say hello and smile to them.