The 10 most frequently asked interview questions when applying for a English teaching job.
Interview questions are summarized into 10 questions; where you are 80% more likely to be interviewed; so you should prepare carefully before interviewing, but the information as well as the set answer smoothly for each position.
1.Please introduce yourself?
With this question, employers often want to know the ability to aggregate information; as well as the candidate’s logical presentation skills; Sometimes the interviewer or one of the interviewers has not read carefully / not read the candidate’s CV.
Proposed answer: A brief summary (3 minutes back) working process from the nearest company to the previous; Just say the name of the company, the time period and the title; Should not tell too much about the experience. If you are a new graduate, you can talk about experiences in extracurricular activities/ clubs, internships, …
Avoid: Tell too detailed about your experience or talk about your home country long; interests, strengths/ weaknesses. Remember you only have 2-3 minutes for this question.
2.What are your strengths and weaknesses in the interview question?
This statement the employer again wants to know what you really believe in yourself; just like you know what you are missing. Searching for around on the net, there are quite a few pages that guide this answer very well; but also quite mechanical, in fact, I also met many of you have prepared; learn in advance and answer in books like My weakness is workaholic; or hugging the job, … the employer does not appreciate such preparation.
Encourage response:
– Strengths: List 2-3 strengths that are directly related to the job being recruited; This requires a thorough understanding of the job description as well as the knowledge requirements; skills / experience, attitude / behavior … of the position you are interviewing.
– Weaknesses: Say 1-2 weaknesses – weaknesses that you really do not feel confident in; and it is important to show the employer that you want / are trying to overcome that weakness to improve yourself.
3. Your goals and career orientation?
This statement employers want to know if you are the one who knows how to set goals appropriate to your ability; as well as have really thought seriously about the upcoming English teaching job orientation; and that orientation is consistent with the desire / orientation of the position you are applying for.
Encourage responses: Identify short-term goals for 1-2 years, appropriate to reality / ability; relevant to the position being applied and specifically need a specific plan to achieve that goal. If you are a new student, gaining experience is the goal that should be on top priority. Career goals and orientations must complement each other; and directly related to the position.
The career orientation section should show employers that applying to the position being interviewed is an important step in their career path. (For example, in the future, I want to be a Recruiter, so I am looking forward to being an intern in your Recruitment department; this is an opportunity for me to approach real-life jobs). , Get the experiences,…)
Avoid: Stating a monumental goal far away but not having a specific plan to achieve it (Becoming a Marketing Manager within 5 years, for example); career orientation is not clear, the type needs experience so the company accepts whatever position you accept. Employers will not appreciate candidates who have not determined what job they want to do when interviewing. (How to guide a good career will be shared in another topic).
4.What do you know about our company? Why did you choose our company?
This question employers want to know if you really learn seriously about the company; Job recruitment as well as once again want you to assess your own suitability for this position.
Encourage: Give a brief answer about the history of formation and development of the company; and list some typical products / services of the company. Must find out carefully about the company, the job recruitment; can go to the company website, forums, ask friends, brothers and sisters; … and it is important that you take advantage of once again show the employer the knowledge; Your skills / experience match the requirements of the position. Can share with the employer that you like the field of activity; Products / services of the company should look forward to contributing to development. (You must really like it).
Please confirm to the employer that the job you are recruiting is an important step in your career development path.
Should avoid: Usually candidates often answer the reason you choose the company because it is a large company with reputation and regime; good welfare policy; … employers will not appreciate candidates who respond in this direction. One caveat when answering this question is to state the product / service of the competitor company into the product / service of the company you are applying for; or misrepresenting the company’s name, product or service name.
5.What do you know about the job application in the interview question?
This question the employer wants to know if you have actively learned about the recruitment job yet. Affirming once again the initiative of seeking information about the nature of the job; products, services, customers, … of the company, the job is very important when interviewing.
Encourage responses: List the main points in the job description that the employer sent you; specify the products, services, scale, customers that they will serve in this job position. This information can be found in job descriptions or online; however it is best to find out in advance with the Recruitment Officer who contacted you for the job application / interview. You can actively ask for contact information of the recruiting staff (Chat / Mobile phone) for after searching; If unclear, please contact carefully before going to the interview. Limit email use in this case; because it is often difficult for an email to describe the nature of the job; and employers are also reluctant to reply to emails (because there are many emails to respond to, writing is often more elaborate than talking / chatting).
Remember to prepare some additional questions to find out more about the job before going to the interview.
Avoid: Going to an interview but not learning anything about the job or the company. The company is recruiting a position for product A / service, but you said applying for a product / service B.
6.Why did you apply for this position?
This sentence is similar to verse 5; The employer wants to know if you have a good understanding of the job and whether you are self-assessing whether you are suitable for the position.
Encourage response: You may state your strengths that you assess as suitable for the recruitment requirements of the position you apply for. Showing employers that this position is a step in your career development plan. Or you can share with your employer some of the things you like about the company: Field of operations of the company; reputation of the leader board, … remember you really like it and have to look carefully.
Avoid: respond in a manner because you are looking for a job; and see the company recruited so you apply or you are in need of a job to learn experience should apply. Remember, even a graduate student; but you also have the knowledge; certain skills to “sell” to employers so I only have the concept of FINDING, not the concept of PLEASE.
Some candidates often answer that because the company is big, good regime; … should apply, this is absolutely not recommended.
7.Why did you quit your job at your old company?
With this question, the employer wants to know why you do not continue the old job because of the nature of the job; inappropriate environment or contradictions; … and from there consider whether this is repeated at the job you are applying for.
Encourage response: Be honest in moderation and ingenuity; try to move your answers in the direction of how you fit the new job; and show the employer that you don’t want to continue your old job; because it no longer meets your career goals.
Avoid answering: Absolutely should not speak ill of the company, boss or former colleagues. Any individual or organization has its limitations; and if you find yourself no longer relevant; unable to adapt to the values there, seeking new opportunities.
8. What are your expectations when applying for this position?
Usually very few candidates are well prepared for this question; but employers are often asked to evaluate your expectations as to whether the job they are looking for is fulfilling; And also through this question the employer will evaluate whether you really “know who knows us”.
Encourage answering: Stating in detail about 2-3 of your actual expectations around the issues of the nature of the job you want to do; opportunity to apply knowledge; skills / experience that are on the job or can articulate expectations about income improvement. Having just stated your expectations but also an opportunity to assert once more about the conformity; about your ability to contribute to the company if collaborated.
Avoid: reply in a way you have no expectations; Because of that the employer will judge you with no clear goals. If you express your expectations are too sublime; You should consider your abilities carefully. Having ambition in the career is good; But employers do not like candidates who talk about wind or power delusions.
9. What are your salary expectations?
This is a very difficult question to answer because UV is often afraid of “holes”; speak too high, afraid of losing opportunities but too low, afraid of “pit of goods”; So what is the appropriate level?
Encourage response: Specify the expected salary; and the lowest salary I can accept if I work in the position being interviewed; to avoid losing time on both sides in the next selection rounds. One thing for sure is that we know very well who we are; what abilities do you have to contribute to the company; that is “know yourself”. So learn more to “know me” by interviewing before you need to consult more of you; sister; friends who have experience working; Do you work as Human Resources, look at the forums to get basic information about the salary in the labor market.
Avoid: answer in a general way as I think the company will have a suitable salary frame for each position; The company evaluates your ability so there will be a suitable salary for you. If you do not fully understand the nature; scope of work, you can ask the employer to ask for more information before answering. The most taboo is the ability of the intern but expect the income of the Head.
10. What questions do you have for us?
This sentence is very important for the employer to make an overall review of the preparation; candidates’ concerns; The data answered in this question will be considered; Collate very carefully with the previous answers in the interview.
Encourage answer: Ask more carefully about the work, the environment; colleagues, superiors of the position being interviewed. If there is anything unknown in the job description then this is the best opportunity. Should ask the common difficulties and challenges of this position? What are the expectations of superior companies for this position? This position is usually assessed by factors; What measure, ….
Avoid asking questions about salaries and benefits; Because usually the last part of the interview will recruit you “sales” about the company’s welfare policies.
Avoid: avoid asking questions macro; strategic or sensitive (For example, if the company is about to sell) if you are only applying for a specialist position; It’s like I see opponent A doing this; The other is very good, do not know the upcoming strategy of his company? How is the company telling you? Remember asking questions is a very important skill; before asking should specify what information you want; What will do with that information and should predict the answer (Put yourself in the position of the respondents). Through the way candidates ask questions; Employers also appreciate a lot about sensitivity; ability to communicate, logical thinking of the candidate.
The worst answer to this question is that you have nothing to ask. In summary, the interview results can affect 80% of recruitment results; Besides professional knowledge, attitude; Candidate’s behaviors and motives are also factors that greatly influence the recruitment decision. So when participating in the interview; in addition to mastering the professional knowledge; Candidates should take the initiative to find out carefully about the company, the job; If there is any part that is unclear, we should prepare the necessary questions to discuss with the employer to help us have enough information to choose the right company and job.