Common interview questions when applying for English teaching job in Vietnam, how to answer them
► You are about to have an important English teaching job in Vietnam interview, you want to learn the interview questions, prepare everything to get good results, please refer to the frequently asked questions when interviewing. is used by employers in interviews with accountants, banks, sales, sales, … as well as more about skill hints and how to answer job interviews effectively. High berries below. Increasing the soft skills helps you a lot at work.
► Even for candidates with a lot of experience in job interviews, job interviews
► Even for candidates who have a lot of experience in English teaching job in Vietnam interviews, job interviews The question is very important and difficult challenge, what is needed is still confidence, professionalism, flexible communication, in addition to the employer testing and evaluating your competence, what you say in the interview. The question is extremely important. An important thing that job seekers should note is that when going to a job interview, use neat clothes that are not too colorful, suitable for office culture.
This article has information:
Frequently asked questions when applying for an English teaching job in Vietnam.
How to interview smart to impress employers.
Share your experiences for an effective interview.
Frequently asked interview questions, suggestions for answers
Below is a summary of frequently asked questions when applying for an English teaching job in Vietnam interview that employers use a lot when interviewing candidates, as well as a smart way to help make an impression and achieve the best results. Questions and answers to help you feel more confident when talking to the interviewer, answer according to your initiative, smart to let interviewers know about your strengths, test and evaluate. the true competence they are expecting for such an employee in the company.
The interview questions introduce themselves
Question 1: About yourself?
Suggestions for how to respond to interviews:
What do you need to do to get sympathy and points from English teaching job in Vietnam interview questions? First, you need to have an impressive introduction, in addition to basic information about your name, age, address, Marital status, candidates need to highlight the forte and some achievements you have in previous jobs. This is one of the important criteria for the interviewer to evaluate the candidate’s ability.
In addition, in order to make an impressive self-introduction, candidates need to pay attention to how the content is presented. In this section, you should give an overview and important things about yourself to ensure some basic items:
– First and last name.
– Summary of learning and working process.
– Specialize.
– Forte and hobby.
– Marital status, time spent on the English teaching job in Vietnam.
Please make sure that the issues explained during the interview and interview process are presented briefly, clearly, easily understood in 2 minutes, avoiding lengthy speech, and constantly creating feelings of depression. interviewer or employer. Practice answering frequently asked questions before going to the interview so they become a natural reflex of you. One of the most used and basic job interview questions is to introduce yourself, so please practice the most impressive way to attract employers from the first place.
Question 2: What are your career goals?
Suggestions for answers:
To answer this question, you must first determine what your career orientation is, and at the same time state what your ultimate goal is. You are applying for this position but the career goal is unrelated. The results you already know, give career orientation related to the job you want to apply with the reason “I want To develop and improve the professional skills with this job. I determine this is my favorite job and will be with me for a long time. “
Based on your answers. The employer will determine whether the candidate target is suitable and has the same direction with the company or not. Therefore, as a smart candidate, do not set your career goals too far from the development orientation of the company, do not use the answers “I am in need of money”, “I want to have task”,…
Question 3: What are the achievements in the work?
Suggested answer:
Talk about the achievements you have achieved in previous projects. The values brought to the company, about your role in the project, the work performed or the difficulties encountered. in the implementation process. More importantly. Let the employer know your feelings when achieving results, lessons learned from it. Employers can rely on this question to see your enthusiasm for the job. With the products they make, thereby having a more positive view of you.
Question 4: Your experience in this job?
Suggested answer:
Rated as one of the most important and frequently asked interview questions. The way to answer this question is to be honest, it’s like you are sharing your experiences. Don’t try to say what you are saying. If you do not know, you will not be able to answer if the employer asks more in depth about expertise. Please say what you have learned or what you know about the English teaching job in Vietnam a short and sufficient manner or should it be detailed about the work, too long.
In case you do not have much experience. Say you are looking to pursue this job and spend a lot of time learning, developing skills, you are looking for a good company to work with and dedicate for a long time. long.
However, you should pay attention to what you say and because you write in job application forms when sending them to employers. Don’t make a big difference between your online CV experience and your actual presentation.
Question 5: How do you deal with the pressure?
Suggested answer:
Pressure can come from many problems, due to work, from family, social issues, it is important that you need a way to solve it. The way to answer this question is to show that you’ve been under pressure and that you’ve mastered methods of balance and know how to overcome it. If the pressure of your work is not effective, you have difficulty in finding a solution, your solution will be to focus and try harder to meet the job, thanks to the fear of help from colleagues, you friends. Show that you are not afraid to face the pressure of work.
Question 6: Describe a little about how you work?
Suggested answer:
Show that you have a scientific and effective way of working when asked this question. The employer wants to know about how you organize and manage your work and personnel. A good employee knows how to manage his job, manifested by planning, reporting and tracking work progress. Employers rely on your answers to check your work capacity, how you handle the job. Evaluate whether it is suitable for their company, so you should give a way. Scientific and effective work, it’s best to prepare answers at home and practice answering them.
You can answer: “I like my work to be followed, through reports, I like to work as planned because it helps to be more effective”, “Always focus as much as possible when working. , this is a way to help me achieve my goals well. “,” I like to record what I have learned, useful knowledge, it helps me a lot in my work “.
Interview question group assesses response
Question 7: What do you want at the company?
The question is considered pleasing to both sides. The employer knows the candidate’s wishes and the employee can state his / her wishes. The purpose of the interviewer and employer is that the employer wants to find a suitable candidate with the characteristics of the English teaching job in Vietnam and the budget, the compensation regime of the company.
Suggested answer:
Therefore, frankly ask the employer what concerns you, the benefits and remuneration of the company subsidizing employees.
Question 8: What salary do you expect?
Suggestions for how to respond to interviews:
If asked about the desired salary, do not take the monthly salary to the sky (too high) that is far beyond the image of the employer. However, do not be confident because to let the salary pass low, be a smart candidate who knows how to cope, offer a reasonable salary, not too high but not low, enough to see the value. yourself. You negotiate a low salary is like claiming to be a person who can’t do the job.
In addition to the salary, in the interview process candidates should also ask frank discussions about entitlements such as: Social insurance, allowances for gasoline, food and drink; Maternity leave … for clarity and specificity. Such questions will help employers and candidates understand each other better, if both are satisfied then continue to the next round of interviews.
Question 9: Why did you choose our company?
Suggested answer:
In this question, you should enhance the spirit of eagerness to learn and improve your skills and skills. Some of the reasons you can give the answer are: The company’s work address is convenient for my travel, the salary and the company regime are in accordance with the criteria I set out; The working environment of the company will create many development conditions for the field I am pursuing.
Question 10: The ability to work under pressure in your work?
Suggested answer:
Most jobs have their own pressures and difficulties, but creating pressure at work is not necessarily a bad thing, this can be a motivation for employees’ work efficiency to achieve higher results. When answering this question is also a way to introduce yourself skillfully, you need to react quickly to choose the most appropriate answer.
In some cases, employers ask candidates with the question: what are the ways to overcome the pressure when your job is under pressure? Don’t worry, list some activities you can do to reduce stress such as yoga, swimming, coffee with friends or watching a movie … It is possible to judge that you are a scientific worker.
Question 11: If you were recruited, what would you do?
Suggested answer:
In this question, you should give compliments about the company such as the regime, development orientation, working environment, factors that suit you such as your company address, your favorite job, and gender friends. Introduction, … you should enhance the spirit of inquisitive and improve your skills and professional. Some suggestions you can give to answer are: The company’s work address is convenient for my travel, the salary and the company’s regime are in accordance with the criteria I set out; The working environment of the company will create many development conditions for the field I am pursuing.
Question 12: What do you think about having to go on business?
Suggested answer:
These interview questions employers want to know how your attitude and responsibility compared to your family, your priority over your job, you should know that a business trip is required. part of the job, helping the company accomplish its goals, so when you’re on a business trip, your employees have to do it, except for cases where there are important reasons you can apply for a waiver on a business trip, Being selected for a business trip shows that you are an important and trusted company.
Are you ready for a business trip, accomplishing the goals set by the company should be the answer to the above question, but you should also ask questions about the density of business trips, time How to work, to balance with family life.
Question 13: Do you have any questions for us?
Suggestions for answers:
Don’t be too stressed out about these interview questions, show your confident side with your definitive answer. Get to know the company in advance before the interview, ask a few questions that will help employers know that you are interested in the position of the job as well as their company.
You can ask questions about the salary, the pay period of the company, the insurance regime, benefits, workflow, leave, corporate work reports, …Interview questions trap candidates
Question 14: Why do you want to apply for this position?
The purpose of this type of interview questions is: Employers want to know if the candidate has found out and understand the job they are applying for. Do not just answer “Because I want a job”, maybe this will immediately block your name from the list of potential candidates, see suggestions for how to answer below.
Suggested answers:
One of the best ways to show that you are the right candidate is: Refer to the experience in an equivalent position, show the passion of the career you are pursuing, show the advancement in areas you want to conquer and finally confirm your competences perfectly suited to the position the company is recruiting. It is possible to use the answer “This is my favorite job position, I have spent a lot of time studying and perfecting the skills, I want this to be a long-term job with me.”
If you do not have much experience in this position, you can give information such as: This is a favorite job and have a lot of passion for it, the desire to develop itself with this job, is a People who love new things, are willing to learn and perfect their professional skills.
A smart employer will never turn down an experienced candidate and want to give everything to the company, but if you do not have much experience, show interest and passion for this position. and desire to contribute and improve themselves, this is also many companies interested. So, if you’re lucky enough to find a company that has the ideal and the right vision for you, then seize the clever opportunity to highlight your strengths to make you stand out from the others. prime in the interview.
Question 15: What are the strengths and weaknesses of myself?
Suggestions for how to answer interviews
One of the most frequently asked interview questions given by employers that aims to try and fool candidates to test honesty and intelligence. To answer the question of what your strengths are: First you have to determine what you are strongest in. For example: You have 1 year experience in sales, your strong point is having the skills to persuade customers, withstand high pressure, agility and initiative in the work … Or you can evaluate My strengths are based on personal characteristics such as honesty, high discipline, hard work ….
The interviewer you will be interested in some details about the skills to perform the job introducing yourself such as the ability to work in groups or independently, the ability to learn, focus on the job, about the personality is agile , get along with colleagues, so give them the information above.
What about your weak point? then wait for a quick answer, you should have a little calculation do not show all the weaknesses, on the contrary, calmly and skillfully acknowledge what your weaknesses are? However, this weakness is still trying to fix to improve yourself more. There should be a number of weaknesses that do not affect the job such as: Hot temper, straightforwardness, easy to lose heart, low ability to suppress emotions, some weaknesses that you are trying to overcome such as ability to report. fox, text, english, …
In real life, no one is not weak. However, acknowledging and correcting that is valuable.
Question 16: How long will you cooperate with us?
Suggested answer:
Do not give a certain time to answer this question. This will make the employer think you do not want to stick and grow long-term with the company. Cleverly give answers that clarify the intention. Want to stay with the company for a long time It is advisable to provide meaningful responses such as: “I want to stick with the long term, just need a good job and have a chance to develop myself” or “Before applying, I have thoroughly researched the company. , so I really want to have a long-term cooperation with the company. “
Question 17: What do you think about overtime?
Suggested answer:
The purpose of this question is that employers want to know the responsibility for your job. Do not hesitate to answer whether you are willing to work overtime or “take home”, in cases that need urgent work for In keeping with the schedule or customer request. Companies need the support of their employees to handle work by overtime or performing work from home, which is very normal.
You can answer: “I think overtime is normal and most companies have it, overtime helps to ensure work progress, the company’s activities are not affected”, “If the Overtime helps achieve the goal, I think overtime will be agreed by the staff “, …
Question 18: Do you think you should work independently or in groups?
Suggested answer:
The ability to work in a team or to work independently is important, companies will want you to be able to work alone or in collaboration with good colleagues. You can answer is whether teamwork or independent set up are important, so for an effective job a combination of both is required.
Show your employer that you have the ability to work in teams and work well independently. The ability to coordinate, communicate with colleagues to solve problems, showing that you have the ability to concentrate highly. , know how to find work alone.
Question 19: Your boss is wrong, or need suggestions you will do?
Suggested answer:
Some companies appreciate staff who comment, build, ready to give personal opinions about the company’s development orientation. If the boss is wrong, what will you do ??? This is a pretty difficult job interview question to answer. In case the boss is wrong, if it is related to work you can discuss directly with the boss. The wise leader will know how to use the information useful, avoid exchanging, Loudly during a meeting or when your boss is angry.
In the company, the boss or managers will have the right to decide on the job and of course there may be mistakes. The employees will be the direct implementation of the plan. If you realize the plan. have problems and need to change a few details, be ready to give your comments and let the employer know you are like that, actively contribute, build for a common goal.
Questions when interviewing for old jobs
Question 20: Why did you quit your job at the old company?
Suggested answer:
Do not let employers judge you are not good with these types of interview questions. A sincere advice for you is to never give reasons that you quit at an old company such as: Rules too rigorous, conflicts with colleagues or due to discontent with the boss. With such answers you can be eliminated right from the parking lot.
So what to do? Please answer this interview question with questions such as: The development orientation of the old company is no longer suitable. You cannot do the desired job (the job you are applying for), the opportunity to broadcast Self-development is not high. Looking for a new dynamic working environment, opportunities for development and higher learning for long-term dedication. Companies will find you really looking for a better new environment. So don’t forget to include the following: Through research I learned that the company has good development orientation. Working environment and the mode matches what I desire.
Question 21: What about your colleagues makes you uncomfortable?
Suggested answer:
Citing the bad points of your former colleagues is a big mistake of yours, it shows that you are a person who cares and is very small. Can affect their company later, how to respond to interviews. This question should be smart enough to give the answers that you associate quite well with colleagues. Showing that you are sociable person who can collaborate with many different people for work purposes.
Question 22: Tell a little about your former boss or your old company?
Suggested answer:
A question that strikes your mind. Do not make negative comments about your former boss or the old company. Despite many disagreements. Employers want to know whether a sale is at fault. Or a bad review for their former boss, so don’t be fooled. Make positive remarks about the company or your former boss, you also learn lessons during your work here. That you have been helped. And guided a lot in the beginning and you still keep in touch. positive contact with them.
Do not for any reason speak ill of your former employer as well as your former boss. If asked why you quit your job here. You may want to refer to the interview answer number 20.