IELTS Teacher (Good Salary)

March 19, 2024
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Job Description

– Teaching students at the assigned level
– Keep abreast of students’ learning situation
– Prepare and continuously renew teaching materials
– Guide new teachers

* Right
– Salary: 250,000 – 750,000 VND / hour for class, 75,000 – 200,000 VND / hour for lesson preparation
– Learn new knowledge and skills
– Dynamic working environment with colleagues who have a mind and reach
– Clear development roadmap according to capacity

- Blood group D + (Learn more: - IELTS 8.0 and above - Willing to cope with difficulties - Always challenge the standards available - Learned - Ability to self-study quickly - Quick reception - Good logical thinking - Good communication skill - Dedication to work and DOL * Recruitment process 1. Submit your CV, IELTS certificate and cover letter as instructed in JD. 2. Receive the test via email and send it ahead of time. 3. Interview with Teacher Trainer of DOL. 4. Working for a week with assigned tasks. If you are unable to pass this round, we will thank you with a grant. 5. Sign a contract if you pass round 4.