IELTS Teacher (Good Salary)

March 19, 2024
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Job Description

DOL English – IELTS Dinh Luc is an IELTS center in Saigon, successfully invented a new method of learning English with mathematical thinking (called Linear Thinking). In the past 4 years, the method has proven effective with hundreds of 7.0+ points and received a lot of love from 6568 students. This year, DOL targets larger goals:

● Expand offline classes to bring Linear Thinking to more English learners
● Launched a 5-in-1 online learning platform integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI), in domestic and international markets

DOL was founded with the desire to challenge the traditional way of learning English, creating smarter methods, shortening the time and maximum of students’ English learning efficiency. However, we have never been completely satisfied with the current results. DOL is looking for talents with a similar vision to reach new heights and create more value for the English teaching market.

- IELTS 8.0 and above - Willing to cope with difficulties and challenges - Willing to overcome all standards - Learned - Ability to self-study - Quick reception - Good logical thinking - Good communication skill - Dedicated dedication to work and for DOL