English Teacher

March 19, 2024
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Job Description

Number of recruitment: 02

• Prepare teaching materials and deliver the lessons as assigned by the Academic Department.
• Adopt and utilize the teaching methods proposed by the Academic Department to provide best quality language classes.
• Conduct a variety of extra learning activities to help our students improve their spoken skill.
• Cooperate with other colleagues to monitor and ensure a 100% English environment.
• Track the students’ learning progress and may help them with possible solutions when necessary.
• Support with grading students’ assignments and checking level for new registers.
• Other possible tasks.

• Preferably 1-2 years of experience working in the field of English education. • Hold a bachelor’s degree in English education. • Teaching certificates (CELTA, TESOL, TEFL…) • Visa or passport, or personal ID and a color portrait attached on the CV. • Passion for teaching and eagerness to help all students, especially those who have struggled with learning English. • Professional working attitude and long-term commitment to the job at THE ENGLISH. • Able to approach students in a kind and friendly manner. • Punctuality (The English is very strict with punctuality because we are strongly committed to creating a professional and highly responsible working environment…) • Desire to build a personal career in the Education field.