English Teacher

March 19, 2024
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Job Description

– Instruct students with given curriculum and master content area and is able to teach students in a clear and effective manner to drive academic achievement.
– Provide a one-to-one teaching experience in the areas of English
– Teach customized English classes to students of various ages, ranging from young learners to mature professionals.
– To assist, support, and work closely with students, administrators, and other team members in providing educational benefit for students.
– Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of students with varying academic strengths and weaknesses.
– Actively participates in professional development and works collaboratively with instructional leaders to improve instructional practices
– Other duties as assigned

- Graduate from FTU, RMIT or other universities/institutions majoring in English, or abroad students - Excellent pronunciation, active and powerful style - Having good connecting skill and willing to share - A dynamic, creative and professional approach with a passion for teaching and a commitment to real English education. - At least 01 year- experience, (IELTS 7.5) - Self-motivated, disciplined and result- oriented