English Teacher

March 19, 2024
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Job Description

– 2 experienced American English Teachers are urgently needed for in house English training program
– Teach conversational Ameriacan English as well as listening and pronunciation skills to groups of about 150 IT employees of various levels of English proficiency
– Design Entrance test to check employees’ English levels before taking part in the teaching program
– Design your own curriculum and select materials required for your courses and for the success of the training program as a whole
– Prepare Monthly lesson plan and report teaching results to Director in order to prepare for next teaching period
– Your sole objective is to improve the overall English speaking skill of everyone
– Salary is competitive and negotiable
– Class schedule is during working hours or flexible, full-time or part-time.

- 1 Vietnamese teacher - Two or more years of experience teaching English for adults - TESOL/TEFL or equivalent is required