English Teacher

March 19, 2024
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Job Description

1. Teaching expertise
– Teaching English according to the center’s programs: kindergarten, children, teens, adults, exam preparation, …
– Check and evaluate the level of students’ input
– Participate in professional training activities such as writing exam questions, writing syllabus, marking lessons, tutoring, …
– Participate in professional activities, extracurricular activities

2. Take care of students
– Manage student profile data
– Resolve cases of reservation, class transfer, branch transfer, ….
– Manage classes, take care of students, report learning status of students periodically (attendance, test reports, report points, parent meetings, …)
– Answering questions, advising learning pathways for students and parents
– Ensure re-enrollment rate

- Level: College, university specialized in teaching English. For other majors, international English teaching certificates such as TESOL, TKT, CELTA, etc. are required. - English proficiency: IELTS 6.5 and above - Teaching experience: at least 03 years - Candidates with experience in training, training have the opportunity to position Professional Manager - Head teacher - Proficient in Word, Power Point, know how to use smartboard and teaching support - Have class management skills - Ability to communicate and communicate well; standard pronunciation - Dynamic, psychological, enthusiastic, responsible spirit - Have a long-term desire to work